Monthly Archives: February 2016

Hanging with the CG Bros on YouTube

snow covered mailboxes

How I feel at the prospect of more snow. Image courtesy of Beau Bergeron, Morguefile.

Life’s been interesting for the Editor lately. First, there was Snowmageddon 2016, which completely brought most of the DC metro area to a standstill. Stores sold out of bread, milk and TP. The supply of alcohol shrank (but that didn’t bother me much since my beverage of choice is ice tea or Diet Pepsi). Drifts completely buried my vehicle and most other vehicles in my neighborhood. Oh, the horror!

Following one of the worst storms ever, I promptly acquired the world’s worst cold. It’s taken me weeks to shake off the dratted thing. Do humanity a favor. If you pick up this cold, have mercy on your fellow Earthlings and STAY HOME.

Fortunately, there was civilization:  TV, Facebook and YouTube. There were the Property Brothers, who are always good for a giggle. I love their sense of humor and sibling rivalry. Facebook kept me up to date on the snow removal from my friends.

On YouTube, I discovered some tasty animation to while away my recovery time. A lot of what I watched was from the CG Bros channel. The CG Bros are a California-based company specializing in CGI and digital art creation.

I’m envious of their artistry. “Man, I wish I could create that.”

If you ever need a five-minute break from reality, I recommend them. There were two films I particularly enjoyed: “Soar” and “Canned”. See below — you won’t be disappointed.



Filed under Social Media